EDPEE 2025 Topics

The Organising Committee of EDPEE 2025 invites researchers, practitioners and students worldwide to submit the outcomes of their research for consideration to be presented at the conference. Contributions are encouraged in all fields, particularly those in the following areas:

Devices, components, packaging and system integration
Power converters topologies
Converter modelling, design and low-level control
Measurement, supervision and control for power converters
Electrical machines and drive systems
Renewable energy power systems
Power electronics in transmission and distribution systems
Power supplie and industry-specific applications
Electric drive trains
On-board power converters, WBG technology
Vehicle battery chargers
Smart charging and vehicle to grid interaction
Batteries: management systems (BMS), monitoring and lifetime prediction
Fuel cells: converters, control, diagnostics and system integration
Data analysis applied to power electronics and drive systems
Application of artificial intelligence to power electronics and drive systems
Communication for power electronics and drive systems
Wireless control of power electronics systems
Diagnostics of power electronics systems
Digital twin of power electronic converters and systems
Big data and artificial intelligence in energy conversion