Prof. Pierluigi Siano (SMIEEE), University of Salerno, Italy
Prof. Pierluigi Siano (M’09, SM’14) received the M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in information and electrical engineering from the University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, in 2001 and 2006, respectively.
He received the award as 2019 Highly cited Researcher by ISI Web of Science Group.
According to the study conducted by some Stanford University researchers, it has been included in the ranking of 100 thousand international scientists, belonging to different disciplinary fields and with greater scientific impact. The investigation was conducted by some Stanford University researchers who, starting from the SCOPUS database containing the list of scholars of the world classified by scientific production, developed a composite indicator that takes into account all possible bibliometric parameters (h index, number publications, citations, journal relevance, sector relevance, etc.), in order to generate a wider ranking, focused on the scientific relevance of scientists, in relation to the activity of the last 23 years.
He is a Professor and Scientific Director of the Smart Grids and Smart Cities Laboratory with the Department of Management & Innovation Systems, University of Salerno.
His research activities are centered on demand response, on the integration of distributed energy resources in smart grids and on planning and management of power systems.
He has co-authored more than 450 papers including more than 200 international journal papers that received more than 7600 citations with an H-index equal to 44.
He has been the Chair of the IES TC on Smart Grids.
Prof. Hazlie Mokhlis (SMIEEE), Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Prof. Hazlie Mokhlis received a Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng. (Hons)) degree and a Master of Engineering Science (M. Eng.Sc) in Electrical Engineering from the Universiti Malaya in 1999 and 2003 respectively. He received Ph.D. degree from the University of Manchester in 2009. He is currently Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Malaya. He held several important positions; Deputy Dean of Research (2013-2014), Deputy Dean of Postgraduate Studies (2014-2015, 2017-2018), Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Studies (2018-2019, 2021-2022), and Head of Department (2015-2017) at the Faculty of Engineering. Currently, as Chairman of Cluster Innovative Industry & Sustainability Science at the university level. Dr Hazlie is actively involved in research as a principal investigator with a total amount of research grants worth more than RM 2.5 million. He is the author and co-author of more than 300 publications in international journals and proceedings in the area of Power Systems and Energy. Up to now, he had successfully supervised 38 Ph.D., 12 Master (by research), and 56 Master (Mix-mode and Course Work) candidates. He is also active as a reviewer for many reputable journals and several international conferences in the area of power and energy system. His outstanding research had been recognized by Stanford University in 2021 & 2022 as one of the Top 2% of scientists in the world. In 2021 he was awarded Top Research Scientist Malaysia by Academic Science Malaysia. Besides research, he is also active in the development of Malaysian Standards as a member of Working Group in the Development of Malaysian's Power System Analysis and Studies (WG6) and Expert Representative in IEC for project TC 8/PT 62786. Prof Hazlie is a Chartered Engineer with the Engineering Council UK and a Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia. He is also an external examiner/assessor for many local universities for the Electrical Engineering programme. He was chairman of IEEE Power Energy Society, Malaysia Chapter session 2020-2022. Currently, Associate Editor for IEEE Access journal and e-PRIME journal. His research is focusing on improving the efficiency and resiliency of power system operation.
Prof. Desineni Subbaram Naidu, University of Minnesota Duluth (Life Fellow IEEE), United States
Prof. Naidu joined the EE Department as Minnesota Power Jack Rowe Endowed Chair in August 2014. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Control Systems Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). Kharagpur. Dr. Naidu taught, visited and/or conducted research at IIT (up to – 1985); Guidance and Control Division at NASA Langley Research Center (1985-90); Old Domain University (1987-90); Idaho State University (1990-2014) as Founding Director of Measurement and Control Engineering Research Center (MCERC), Associate Dean of the College of Engineering (1998-2010) and Director School of Engineering (2010-13);
United States (US) Air Force Research Laboratory (1998-99); Center of Excellence for Ships and Ocean Structures at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2004); Measurement and Control Laboratory at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (2005); the Universities of Western and Southern Australia (2008); East China Normal University (2011 He has over 300 journal and conference publications including 6 books, and has been on the editorial boards of several journals including the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and Optimal Control: Applications and Methods. Dr. Naidu’s area of teaching and research include electrical engineering, optimal control, nonlinear control, intelligent control, industrial control systems and cyber security, biomedical engineering, and time scales in engineering, physical and life sciences. He is an IEEE Fellow and Fellow of the World Innovation Foundation, UK.